Position on GDPR

Position on GDPR

Sikka Software’s current focus is on the U.S. market. Accordingly, and due to the limited financial benefit that Sikka Software had accreted in serving the E.U. prior to the advent of GDPR having been completely diminished by the risk associated with GDPR, Sikka Software removed all service offerings for E.U. market prior to May 25th, 2018.

Action Taken

Prior to May 25th, 2018, all data collected from customers inside the E.U. that was to be subject to GDPR was completely removed from the Sikka Platform. Since that time, E.U. customers have been prohibited from creating accounts or registering on Sikka Software's website, product, platform or mobile apps.

Website traffic originating from the E.U. is directed to a landing page specifying that services are currently not offered in the E.U. Sikka Software has implemented a mechanism to ensure there is no tracking of E.U. visitors to the E.U.-specific landing page.

All new customers, registrations and website visitors are given notification, as through this statement, that Sikka Software does not currently serve the E.U.


Sikka Software will continue to monitor business opportunities and costs/benefits associated with conducting business in the E.U. market. All new releases are being developed with GDPR requirements baked in, including technology to support granular data access controls, monitoring and logging tools, encryption, key management, audit capability and adherence to IT security standards necessary for compliance with GDPR.